How do I pause my subscription?Updated a year ago
You can pause your subscription for one or two months using our Pause button.
To pause, sign into your account here. Select each product in your subscription you’d like to update, in the drop down you'll see a button that says "Pause." Then, choose your desired pause length: one or two months.
Additionally, with our calendar feature, you can manually select your next renewal date for your subscription up to three months in the future. You can access this feature by selecting “Edit subscription” under your subscription on the account page. This button will pull up a calendar where you can select your next processing date.
Please ensure you pause or change the renewal date of each subscription item you don't wish to receive that month. All pauses and renewal date changes must be made before 12 AM EST on the day your order renews.
We will send you a reminder 2 days before your next order, so if you still don't need an order, you’ll be reminded and can pause again!